Friday, December 11, 2009

Aww the last blog assignment..

You, Me and Politics blog is a good commentary on how expensive a new medicine is for cancer patients. My response was, "Wow! $30,000/month for medicine?! That is what some people make in a year! How insane to make it expensive to fight live. It's really sad how people are just so greedy for money. I had no idea about any of this, seeing as I have no cable, but this seems like a very controversial topic that I will be keeping up with in the future! Thank you for having a blog that's very informative and interesting that I can actually pay attention to until the end!"

Friday, December 4, 2009

War, huh, yeah..what is it good for absolutely NOTHING!

So Obama plans to send in 30,000 troops to Afghanistan.


Because he believes it is in our "vital national interest" and that "our security is at stake."

Do I agree with him?

No and Yes.

I have 4 close friends and 2 family members who are probably going to be sent back to Afghanistan. I've already had my cousin die in Iraq...I don't need anymore deaths in my life, and I'm sure that goes the same for other families.

But then I really doubt he would send 30,000 troops if we didn't need them. At least as of now in 18 months he'll start sending the troops back!!

All I can hope is that all goes well and that everyone comes home alive...