Friday, November 6, 2009

13 dead and dozens wounded

So to kill people because you don't want to do what you signed up for is just plain...stupid!

Yesterday many people were injured because of Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan not wanting to go overseas, resulting in him shooting soldiers in Fort Hood. What's ironic is that he is the military psychiatrist. He has never been to Iraq, but from seeing all the side effects from the other soldiers, he decided that he didn't want to go. But isn't that his job? If everyone got to choose whether or not they wanted to go fight and risk getting killed, then there would be no military.

Hasan ended up getting shot by a firearms instructor, unfortunately she got shot in the process.
They are both in stable condition and Hassan can be expecting questions from the police, military, and the FBI.

Even Obama had something to say to this horrific event.

It's horrible that there have been so many mass shootings in America, but it makes you realize that life is short and you should always live as though today is your last.

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