Friday, September 18, 2009

The People's Choice

Health care! Not everyone has it, but everyone should! And that's what Obama is trying to do!

So Fox News took a poll about "Which health care system would you prefer?", and 46% said they're fine with their current provider. I've been looking up polls from different websites and most people don't agree with changing the health care system, but these are just polls. From what I've been hearing, most people do want a change. I'm sure a lot of people are unhappy with their current provider (as am I). I'm sure they would rather have affordable health insurance, and not have to worry about being turned down because of a previous illness...
Hopefully there's change for the better. This video and article is worth looking at because this is a very hot topic and a very important one!
This is a good outline of the different health plans.,2933,551822,00.html
(when you click on the link, select "The People's Choice" video.